Welcome to number1notary.net
number1notary.net is a trusted notary service located in Terre Haute, Indiana. We provide a variety of services to meet your notarial needs, including signing, witnessing, and certifying copies of documents. Our knowledgeable, experienced team offers a fast, convenient and secure service to all customers. We look forward to helping you with all your legal needs.
Copy certification
We can certify copies of documents that are not public record, but essential to the task that you need to complete.
We offer witnessing service for signing of legal documents, such as affidavits and sworn statements.
Out of State Customers
We offer the ability for traveling customers to have their documents notarized, providing they are currently in Indiana.
Frequently Asked Questions
Know someone who needs a notary? Send them our link and get 50% off on your next notarization with a screenshot of the referral.
Contact us
We are here to answer any questions you may have. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We will get back with you as soon as possible.
Terre Haute, Indiana, United States
About us
number1notary.net is a trusted notary and document authentication service located in Terre Haute, Indiana. This is a veteran owned company with discounts for first responders and veterans. We offer a fast, convenient, and secure service to all customers. Our knowledgeable and experienced team is dedicated to providing you with the best service. As a customer, you can trust that you will be receiving the highest quality service with our team.
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I am interested in notary services for my father signing power of attorney documents. He is currently at Westminster and notary would have to witness document signing there in person with him. Is this something you are available for and what would the cost be?
Thank you,